Wonder Powerups (Super Mario World-Style) By: Gronami [W]
Some of the powerups from Super Mario Wonder in the style of SMW, with an extra talking flower sprite!
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Original Sprites that are made completely from scratch.

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[O] Created: Dec 23 2023, 12:28 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 6.22 KB
[O] Views: 32264
[O] Downloads: 1267
[O] Favorites: 1
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Dec 24 2023, 7:17 PM
Looks Amazing!
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Dec 24 2023, 11:21 PM
Nice work! And they're perfectly scaled for the actual Super Mario World engine too, which is useful.
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