Luigi Sonic 3 style By: almnich [E]
A Luigi in the style of Sonic 3.
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Edited Modification of existing sprites.

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[O] Created: Jun 5 2010, 7:42 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 9.76 KB
[O] Views: 11020
[O] Downloads: 6668
[O] Favorites: 0
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Jun 9 2010, 4:26 PM
You made this great!
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Jun 10 2010, 12:02 AM
Interesting style! Keep up the good work!
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Jun 10 2010, 5:14 AM
Thanks guys
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Jun 10 2010, 3:55 PM
This hardly fits the style at all, is very stiff, and doesn't have enough frames for fluid animation.

I can say, its okay as a sprite, but not okay if its supposed to be in Sonic 3.
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Jun 12 2010, 12:45 AM
Quote (Iceman404 on Jun 10 2010, 3:55 PM)
This hardly fits the style at all, is very stiff, and doesn't have enough frames for fluid animation.

I can say, its okay as a sprite, but not okay if its supposed to be in Sonic 3.
This isn't even remotely close to being anywhere near Sonic 3 style. The sprites look kinda ugly, no offense. Maybe to make this better, you can add more useful poses. Or fix the hat during the dying pose; it looks too flat at the top. During the "hurt" pose, the body is WAAAYYY too small for Luigi's head. Make it bigger.
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Jun 12 2010, 3:04 PM
I like it. The only problem is the sheet's lack of animations, but if you update it that would be cool.
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Jun 15 2010, 5:41 PM
If it's supposed to be Sonic 3-styled, then why does the thumbnail show a Sonic 2 level with a Sonic 1 sprite?

Well, even so, this is pretty good. The poses work well, it has accurate shading, and it matches your Mario sprites. It's better than anything I've seen lately.

On a related note, I'm kind of curious what Luigi's "Somari" name would be. Soluig?
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Jun 16 2010, 5:50 AM
Maybe Tailuigi ?
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Dario bros
Jul 4 2010, 1:48 PM
Quote (almnich on Jun 16 2010, 5:50 AM)
Maybe Tailuigi ?

Hey, that was my idea.
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Jul 4 2010, 4:50 PM
Yeah ^^ It's true
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Jul 7 2010, 4:34 PM
Awsome! Will you do the Wario bros, and maybe even Yoshi =D
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Jul 7 2010, 5:55 PM
I started, but I'm too lazy to finish ^^
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Jul 10 2010, 2:48 PM
Wow, I could use these. A LOT!
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Jul 10 2010, 5:54 PM
Feel free to !Just give credit
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Jul 25 2010, 3:02 PM
It's easy to identify who's going to complain by just looking at their names...

In any case, I really like the style. The shading looks quite pretty, and though it lacks enough animation to do something really big, this could very well be very useful for many games, I'm sure. Keep it up! (Please! =p)
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Jul 25 2010, 4:00 PM
This was made under Windows XP, I changed to 7 and I don't know how to use paint under Windows 7.
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Super Goombario
Aug 7 2010, 11:01 PM
Quote (Iceman404 on Jun 10 2010, 11:55 AM)
This hardly fits the style at all, is very stiff, and doesn't have enough frames for fluid animation.

I can say, its okay as a sprite, but not okay if its supposed to be in Sonic 3.

I agree with this. Sonic must have a dozen frames just of him running, but he only has about 10 in this whole sheet?
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Sep 7 2011, 12:24 AM
he looks kinda like weegie
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Sep 11 2011, 1:10 AM
i'd say that's sonic 2.not sonic 3...
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