Super Mario Bros 3000
By: JeremyBurns [W]
I wrote this from scratch in Visual Basic using DirectX and it is the best Super Mario Bros remake you will ever play. It consists of some the best gameplay elements of Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World, along with some other innovative ideas. This game contains the flower, the hammer powerup, and the carrot from Mario Land 2. It has a map screen resembling that of Mario World and is completely playable up until the boss level in the second world. It comes with a level editor and supports skins. Visit my site for screenshots. There's 20 or something enemies so far. It is best played using a gamepad, it takes a while to get used to the keyboard unless you play ZSnes on a keyboard often. This is the outcome of my free time after a couple of years. Enjoy.

BTW Wicked site guys, amazing resource for sprites and such.
Give me an email if you like it, ill keep you guys updated.
Completion: Demo Genre: Platform
Franchise: Mario

Update History
No History
[O] Created: May 16 2006, 2:30 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 2.74MB
[O] Views: 44896
[O] Downloads: 18976
[O] Plays: 0
[O] Favorites: 1


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Yoshi Killa
Jun 24 2006, 1:57 PM
Amazing work!
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Jun 29 2006, 7:56 PM
Great Game!
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Jun 30 2006, 1:14 AM
I can`t add levels!!!
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Jul 2 2006, 4:13 PM
its a good game
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Jul 2 2006, 7:08 PM
Nice. Very nice. Original touches like the treetrunk switcheroo are made of win. Looks quite an ambitious project too. Nice. Not that theres anything wrong with short games.
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Mario & Luigi
Jul 12 2006, 2:00 AM
Not the best mario remake but its better than most of the stuff here!
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Eric Bottineau
Jul 13 2006, 10:21 PM
This is an awesome game!
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Jul 14 2006, 2:39 PM
i can't wait for the full game. that explains why it's short. it's only a demo. full version will have many bosses i hope
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Jul 14 2006, 5:34 PM
how do you make a pipe that takes you somewhere else?
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Jul 16 2006, 4:56 PM
For some reason everytime I attempt to play this game, my computer crashes. Does this game need a lot of something to play it?
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Jul 17 2006, 2:32 PM
Couldn't have been better! Awesome!
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Jul 17 2006, 4:09 PM
one question? how do you use the manner of entrance on the mod molder? i'm asking the creator JeremyBurns, to answer this
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Jul 23 2006, 6:05 AM
The best ive played so far!!!I thought the fuse at the top of the screen was a bit much.The coins in the ?and blocks could be normal size too.Now if you made Mario 10x bigger when he got the mushroom and you got to crash through everything including the flag pole.You'd have a hell of a game.
Where and when will I be able to get the full version?My email is
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Jul 24 2006, 8:11 PM
Alright, now the game is running fine for me. I wonder why it was acting wierd the other day. Btw, it won't allow me to use the level editor. How do I get the level editor to run?
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Jul 25 2006, 1:27 AM
Sorry knight, I haven't been to this site in a while. In order to direct entrance tags you need to use the level detail editor by right clicking on a level and selecting Edit Details. In the detail window there are 16 rows of information regarding the 16 possible entrance tags which can be placed in a level. These rows represent the destinations of these entrances. THe first column is the destination level number, the second is the destination tag, the third is the manner of exit out of the other side. Just ask if you need a more detailed explanation. There will be another update within a few weeks im redoing the map screen format to be free roam zelda style, then ill make more levels.
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Jul 25 2006, 6:11 PM
Hey JeremyBurns, can you join the MFGG forum and help us in this thread? [LINK]
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Jul 30 2006, 3:04 PM
i can add worlds! sweet! i'll tell you if you want to know!
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Jul 30 2006, 3:07 PM
Quote (JeremyBurns on Jul 25 2006, 1:27 AM)
Sorry knight, I haven't been to this site in a while. In order to direct entrance tags you need to use the level detail editor by right clicking on a level and selecting Edit Details. In the detail window there are 16 rows of information regarding the 16 possible entrance tags which can be placed in a level. These rows represent the destinations of these entrances. THe first column is the destination level number, the second is the destination tag, the third is the manner of exit out of the other side. Just ask if you need a more detailed explanation. There will be another update within a few weeks im redoing the map screen format to be free roam zelda style, then ill make more levels.
i would like it in more detail if possible.
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Jul 31 2006, 11:05 AM
Why dash and powerup use needs to be seperate buttons? Thats pointless.
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Jul 31 2006, 2:18 PM
they need to be different because if you hold the dash key and use it as your powerup shooting button you would run and you would keep shooting projectiles
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Aug 4 2006, 9:13 PM
hello everyone, i'm currently in BC on vacation which means i wont get much chance for internet connections, but i will get a lot of time to work on mario 3000. the production speed has slowed a little bit since i started working on a revolutionary side project "eYeBall" which there will be a demo of on my site as soon as i get a better one. I have found a large documentation on the editor which i wrote one day while bored which i can send to you knight, I'll do that some time today. ultramario, I was thinking of doing it that way but personally I prefer seperate buttons. since you've pointed out that some people may prefer the other way, I will add an option for being able to shoot with the run button. Wouldn't be too hard to code, but knight is right if you just assign the same key to both the way it's coded it does what he described. I havnt been to the forum yet since last post im gonna go head over there. peace
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Aug 4 2006, 9:21 PM
btw, im going to be working on it as much as possible this summer because i just got accepted to the University of Alberta Engineering faculty :D like 2 days ago meaning I will have to be studying a ton more than in high school, where i didnt study at all or do any work outside of school.
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Aug 5 2006, 5:46 AM
ah ha ha! hey guys try this out! in the beginning, press right and then left and then down... repeat this paturn and eventually your guy glitches to a pipe thats across the map! lol!
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Aug 7 2006, 11:03 AM
Quote (knight on Jul 31 2006, 5:18 PM)
they need to be different because if you hold the dash key and use it as your powerup shooting button you would run and you would keep shooting projectiles

They should work like in officials.
If you press dash (not hold), you shoot and if you press and hold jump, you float. Thats how itīs suposed to work
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Aug 9 2006, 8:07 PM
Hey JeremyBurns, after you go as far as you can on the demo, is there anyway to be able to play some of the earlier levels?
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Aug 16 2006, 5:19 PM
How do I play the game?
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Aug 17 2006, 12:40 PM
This game
how do I play "The Ladder"??
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Aug 17 2006, 12:55 PM
Quote (Sonic64 on Jun 30 2006, 2:14 AM)
I can`t add levels!!!

Me neither!!!!!!!
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Aug 17 2006, 12:57 PM
Quote (knight on Jul 30 2006, 4:04 PM)
i can add worlds! sweet! i'll tell you if you want to know!

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Aug 17 2006, 12:57 PM
Quote (W.A.C. on Aug 9 2006, 9:07 PM)
Hey JeremyBurns, after you go as far as you can on the demo, is there anyway to be able to play some of the earlier levels?

Yeah dude...
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Aug 18 2006, 9:55 PM
Hey Yoshikid2006 that's not actually a glitch, eh. Try this, start a new game and immediatly press left. The tile you start out on is linked leftward to the pipe of the second world so i can skip right there without beating the first world to debug stuff in there. Since you figured that out, heres the key combo to use debug mode: press PGUP+PGDN+TAB on the map.
In debug mode press F9 on the map to save anywhere, F10 on the map to complete a level without playing it. F9 in a level to cycle through powerups and F10 in a level to exit it.
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Aug 18 2006, 9:59 PM
Hey JeremyBurns, after you go as far as you can on the demo, is there anyway to be able to play some of the earlier levels?

Ummmmm no.... sorry guys i always polay from scratch using debug mode and little hidden glitches to get to whereever im testing. I guess I'll rerelease it in a couple of days with save-anywhere ability and no restrictions on your movements in the map (except skipping levels of course). I'm rewriting the level editor right now because apparently it's quasiconfusing and I want a better system for pipe linkage and switches. WHen that's dopne the map screen will be free-roam and you can save anywhere. I guess the levels are tough if you didnt make em and its not really cheap to be able to save at any point. I wrote less annoying forest music too :).
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Aug 23 2006, 4:51 PM
Quote (JeremyBurns on Aug 18 2006, 10:55 PM)
Hey Yoshikid2006 that's not actually a glitch, eh. Try this, start a new game and immediatly press left. The tile you start out on is linked leftward to the pipe of the second world so i can skip right there without beating the first world to debug stuff in there. Since you figured that out, heres the key combo to use debug mode: press PGUP+PGDN+TAB on the map.
In debug mode press F9 on the map to save anywhere, F10 on the map to complete a level without playing it. F9 in a level to cycle through powerups and F10 in a level to exit it.

uu yeah! that don't work... :-P
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Sep 9 2006, 10:47 PM
This is amazing. Everything almost matches... but not quite...

Try to find out whats missing on your own, and no it doesint have anything to do with the engene itself.
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Sep 16 2006, 6:01 PM
How do you play it? (how do you start the game?)

It gives me a warning saying: "Object verible or with block verible set" (even the with ;))

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Oct 27 2006, 4:33 PM
it gives that same warning as you zlf1 try and downloading it agian that is always working for me
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Oct 27 2006, 4:37 PM
do the dbug mode first then press f9 to cycle through powerups.
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Nov 23 2006, 9:45 PM
What program did you use{flash 8, gamemaker, ect}?
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Nov 23 2006, 9:50 PM
Can you tell me where did you learn how to make a game?
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Jan 3 2007, 12:26 AM
its cool!
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