the Super Mario Bros. Super Sound Effects Library By: SuperDaltonMaker
This Collection of 8-bit sound effects contains Super Mario Bros. 1, Super Mario Bros. 2 (the Lost Levels), Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (GBA), New Super Mario Bros. DS, Super Mario Odyssey (almost few of them in HQ), and Of course a never before heard from Super Mario Maker 1 and 2! + a Brand-New fan made 8 bit sound effects (well... sorta, in SMB1 style!)

114 Sound Effects of 8-Bit SMB1 style, that's right! Now you can use this package of SMB1 SFX whenever and however you desire like a sprites animations, fangame, you name it!

Update History
10/02/24  forgot to add SMM2 parachute and big boom sound from SMB1 style
09/13/24  I forgot to add a few Super Mario Odyssey 8-Bit sounds, since they also have some elements of SMB1 style from it
[O] Created: Sep 12 2024, 3:05 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 8.1MB
[O] Views: 42756
[O] Downloads: 720
[O] Favorites: 0
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Sep 25 2024, 2:00 PM
This is a great collection you made. :)

However, I don’t like that you just took the old outdated SMB1 NES sounds from let’s say “” which sound very low quality than how they sound in-game opposed to ripping HQ versions of all SMB1 SFX (especially the wind blowing SFX from Lost Levels) from the get go. :(
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Sep 27 2024, 6:18 PM
Quote (AlexTo@dstoolBoi on Sep 25 2024, 2:00 PM)
This is a great collection you made. :)

However, I don’t like that you just took the old outdated SMB1 NES sounds from let’s say “” which sound very low quality than how they sound in-game opposed to ripping HQ versions of all SMB1 SFX (especially the wind blowing SFX from Lost Levels) from the get go. :(

That's alright, but this time when there's an Updates appear, this will have new SFX in it, including High Quality that's not from ;)
1 like from: AlexTo@dstoolBoi
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