SMB2 - Slightly Redesigned Objects + More! By: VannyArts [W]
Happy New Year Everyone!

I wanted to start this year with a different game-style than I usually do and for a quite some time now, I've been redesigning some of SMB2 blocks and I kept adding and adding, there's plenty of SMB2 style blocks and stuff out there but I want to make my own version of it (atleast what my rendition of what modern SMB2 would look like)

I mixed up both SMM2 and NES pallete for this one and yea, I think I nailed it somehow. It's really quite fun revisiting SMB2 again. and yes the All-Stars version are coming up next...
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Edited Modification of existing sprites.

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[O] Created: Jan 11 2025, 12:00 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 39.73 KB
[O] Views: 12690
[O] Downloads: 1146
[O] Favorites: 0
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Jan 15 2025, 10:17 AM
How can I add your tile-sets to my rom-hack?
1 like from: Mariobros030
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