SMB Wonder Enemies (SMB1 Styles in 8-bits and 16-bits) By: SuperDaltonMaker
(NOTE: This is not an actual ripped sprites from Nima's SMB1 fangame WONDER for classic player, do not attempt. Credit goes to: Nimaginendo Game for an Classic SMB1 Style Inspirations. (Sorry about that...)

Seems like Super Mario Bros. Wonder can be most popular mario game ever! and addition I also play one of Nima's Super Mario Bros. Wonder remade in SMB1 fangame style... So, here's my own take of re-sprites of mostly SMBW enemies but in actual SMB1 Classic NES Style. (including All stars version too.)

Give Credits, if Used
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Original Sprites that are made completely from scratch.

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[O] Created: Oct 3 2024, 6:22 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 21.99 KB
[O] Views: 43538
[O] Downloads: 1625
[O] Favorites: 2
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Oct 16 2024, 7:57 AM
Wow! This is something unexpected for me. Thank you very much for taking inspiration from my other fan game to make these sprites. An interesting detail is that you made them yourself, using your own lines without using mine as a base to redesign them. I recommend renaming the title to "Super Mario Bros. Wonder for Classic Players" because it includes one of the enemies that is not present in the original SMB. Wonder, I think that way it will make more sense to what you did. Once again, thank you so much for taking inspiration from my project. I loved your version!
1 like from: SuperDaltonMaker
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Oct 22 2024, 1:58 AM
Quote (NimaginendoGames on Oct 16 2024, 7:57 AM)
Wow! This is something unexpected for me. Thank you very much for taking inspiration from my other fan game to make these sprites. An interesting detail is that you made them yourself, using your own lines without using mine as a base to redesign them. I recommend renaming the title to "Super Mario Bros. Wonder for Classic Players" because it includes one of the enemies that is not present in the original SMB. Wonder, I think that way it will make more sense to what you did. Once again, thank you so much for taking inspiration from my project. I loved your version!

Oh! I didn't see you there. Well Thank you very much! although I did try not, I'll rename that title/description next time. and you are very welcome with it! plus, Keep up a great work on every mockup games!
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