SMW - Slightly Redesigned Goomba Variants Pt. 1 (Update!) By: VannyArts [W]
It's Halloween Season and The Goombas Are back (again) alongside the new and improved slightly redesigned variants!

This sheet includes:
-Mor's Goombas
-Goombrats (NSMBU - redrawn to resemble the Goombrats in modern Mario games)
-Galoombas (SMW)
-Cool Goomba (SMW - redrawn to resemble the galoombas just like in the original game)
-Goombuds (SMM2-SMW)
-Bone Goombas (NSMB2)
-Tail Goombas (SM3DL - made the tail fluffier and more SMB3-ish)
-Cat Goombas (SMB3DW - changed the attack animation entirely, cause they don't spin in original game)
-Jack O'Goombas (SMG)
-SMW Beta Goombas
-Ghost Goomba (SML2 - Added more animations)
-Splunkin (NSMB - the normal and angry variant are now distinguishable and added a new alternative color)
-And the rest got a new surprised animation and are slightly adjusted.
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Edited Modification of existing sprites.

Update History
10/14/24  -Added a whole lot of change, color adjustment and are slightly adjusted.
08/29/24  description update
[O] Created: Aug 25 2024, 4:23 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 23.44 KB
[O] Views: 43058
[O] Downloads: 1517
[O] Favorites: 3
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Aug 30 2024, 12:56 AM
Amazing. Can you do skipsqueak next?
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Sep 10 2024, 5:56 PM
Hey vanny! iv been trying to contact you lol but im not used to mfgg so i had some issues finding your profile!! anyways i love your art so much and was wondering if you wanted to collaborate with me? im working on a super mario maker fangame and would love to have you on the team!! if you would like to discuss further please add me as a friend on discord :) my name is "itsvorzo" and with all that i hope to get a message back :)) thanks!!
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