SMAS SMB2 Airship Tileset v2.0 / Remade By: KnownStranger
After months of polishing every part from this tileset, I finally could did it! Almost everything was reshaded to be more familiar to the smas smb2 artstyle, and if this is not enough, I expanded the tileset and added new slopes, some new decoration items, etc. Here I give you some information if you are lost:
- The turquoise metal pipes replace the vases from the original game.
- Only the propellers are animated.
- The alternative color pallete is for night themes.
- Some ground tiles are repeated, but they are only for reference, so ignore them.
Now I can rest in peace after making this. Have a good day!
Type Info
Format Tilesets Backgrounds broken into a set of tiles.
Contents Original Sprites that are made completely from scratch.

Update History
10/15/24  Last update: Some parts were polished (especially semisolids and decoration).
01/17/24  Version 2.1? The collor pallete was improved and some parts were reshaded, while others got bigger changes. On the other side, some small details were simplified.
[O] Created: Jan 11 2023, 11:10 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 9.86 KB
[O] Views: 144879
[O] Downloads: 2475
[O] Favorites: 0
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