Paper Mario 3D Land
By: DJ Coco [E] [W]
The game is finally here - the long awaited Paper Mario 3D Land! As the name implies it combines the gameplay mechanics of Super Mario 3D Land with the charming visuals of the Paper Mario series. Run and jump through 16 unique levels from start to finish through gorgeous landscapes filled with all kinds of obstacles. Not only does this game feature never before seen mechanics from the Mario franchise, but it also offers a wide variety of new stuff, including never before seen power-ups.
Completion: Full Game Genre: Platform
Franchise: Mario

Update History
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[O] Created: Sep 25 2014, 5:06 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 28.05MB
[O] Views: 510651
[O] Downloads: 239997
[O] Plays: 0
[O] Favorites: 55

Author Summary Score
8-Brick After playing this game the whole way through, I can honestly recommend this game for anyone of age, it's short it's fun, and whether you're a platformer lover, a Mario lover, or even just a game lover in general, this game can be a really fun time! 8 / 10
Quicksting This game has the potential to be great. Overhaul the camera and spice up the enemy variety, and it will be there. The graphics and the sound are a chef's kiss, but the gameplay feels like it relies on luck rather than skill. 7 / 10
BaldingFox77558 What? I Don't Understand What "Final Words" Mean So Rank It Random Number 8 / 10
Clobbah Honestly, this doesn't feel like a Nintendo game at all, it's just an okay game. 5 / 10
JSex In conclusion, this isn't Sticker Star and it shouldn't be written off as just that. It is a million times better than that hunk of garbage for the 3ds. This game combines all the Paper Mario games into a fun platformer that rivals some of the other Mario platforming games. 9 / 10
Sternosaur Overall this game is challenging, fun, and it has great replay value if you go through the game and failed to collect all the stars. The levels are fun, enjoyable, if there's any paper mario fan game on MFGG that deserves a 10/10 it's this one. 10 / 10
TheTwelfthRocket A lot of people say the Paper Mario + Super Mario 3D Land = this.

But its actually Paper Mario + Super Mario 3D Land + Super Mario Bros The Lost Levels + Super Mario Land 2 = this.
5 / 10
Quizno3 Paper Mario 3D Land is a love letter to any Paper Mario fan out there. It has great spritework, a charming soundtrack, and good gameplay. If you're looking for an original Paper Mario game, This is your place to go. 9 / 10
Cruise Elroy It's mediocre at worst and okay at best. Just a few changes is all it could take to make this game excellent. 6 / 10
Q-Nova This is the best paper craft I've ever seen, and it's also alive! 8 / 10
trollol333 This game looks very fun, however once you actually start playing it, you'll quickly find that the gameplay is not fun and not fair. 5 / 10
koopatroopa323 Overall, if your a big fan of both series, then you should download this game! Great job again, DJ Coco! :) 10 / 10
Ryan Silberman This game is better than Paper Mario Sticker Star. I'm dead serious! If you have a good computer, you owe it to yourself to play this one. 9 / 10
Xandalf A quality and fun 3D platformer, but it lacks in a few perspectives. 8 / 10
Qwerty Triple6 This has to be one of the best 3D games on the site that looks and feels like an actual Nintendo game. Great job, DJ Coco! 9 / 10
MegaDeltaXZ While the game delivers the graphics and music, it does not deliver much on the gameplay, and that seems to be the focus here rather than the graphics. 7 / 10
Syaxamaphone I think that you set a very lofty goal deciding to try to make a 3D Mario platformer and the paper Mario elements are visually appealing. It's an enjoyable experience and I definitely commend you for your efforts. If you're willing to put more time into this game, I think it could be a real gem. 8 / 10
Techokami A stylish game that is marred by unfortunate problems with the fundamentals, this could have been a classic. 6 / 10
orange451 Dj Coco, great job on this fangame! It's rare to see some create an indie game that has tight movement, visual eye candy, good sounds, and great gameplay. Great job! 9 / 10
LightSoulEX One of my favorite MFGG fangames, Dj Coco, you NEED to make a sequel fixing the bad things of this game, i would recommend you to make the next game with a 1280x720 resolution. 10 / 10
spongyoshi You wanna see an original concept of mixing the Paper Mario style and 3D Land style? Here you are and it is really done well! But the hard level design can make some happy and some other frustrated. 8 / 10
Willsaber It's a few steps away from feeling official, but if fangames keep the growth pace they are having right now, they'll catch up to within 5 years of Nintendo quality very soon!

And might I just say, it would be awesome if DJ Coco made an engine for Paper Mario style platforming.
8 / 10
KingGeoshiKoopshi64 This fan game is actually fun but it just needs a lot of those following cons so it can be even a great and enjoyable game not so unfairly hard and almost a kaizo if you fix the game I can review the game more up and replay it. I would certainly like a Paper Mario 3D World where you could ride an Adult Paper Yoshi ;) 9 / 10
WwwWario DJ Coco delivers a game that looks, feels and plays like a Nintendo game. 10 / 10
Average Score 8 / 10

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Sep 25 2014, 6:54 PM
This is excellent!
1 like from: myaccount1234
User Icon
Sep 25 2014, 10:55 PM
This is pretty dang sweet, though it's a shame my computer isn't fast enough to run it properly.
No Icon
Sep 25 2014, 10:59 PM
I can't start the game from the title screen. I'm using enter, the default key.
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DJ Coco
Sep 25 2014, 11:24 PM
Quote (murphmario on Sep 25 2014, 11:59 PM)
I can't start the game from the title screen. I'm using enter, the default key.
If you have a gamepad plugged in the game will default to the gamepad. Plug it out or use the gamepad instead ;)
User Icon
Sep 25 2014, 11:30 PM
Awesome game, DJ Coco!...But man, is it hard! After about 3 and a half hours I reached the first boss, but it's nearly impossible to dodge those fireballs! I got burned almost every time I tried to burn the boss! (not spoiling it, but I think you know what I mean) But I never completed it. Anyway, excellent game, I was surprised how long the levels were.
No Icon
Sep 26 2014, 12:06 AM
DJ Coco you rock! this fan game is awesome just like
Super Mario 3D land! This is about Paper Mario in 3D!
Totally awesome! I love it!
No Icon
Sep 26 2014, 12:34 AM
Quote (AsteriskX on Sep 25 2014, 11:30 PM)
Awesome game, DJ Coco!...But man, is it hard! After about 3 and a half hours I reached the first boss, but it's nearly impossible to dodge those fireballs! I got burned almost every time I tried to burn the boss! (not spoiling it, but I think you know what I mean) But I never completed it. Anyway, excellent game, I was surprised how long the levels were.

Boy, you are going to hate the later bosses, granted, they are harder but more fun. As for the first boss, simply don't stand on the center of the platforms, go to the outside corner, wait for the boss to spin, then walk to safety. The trick is to walking on the edges of the falling platforms.
No Icon
Sep 26 2014, 1:36 AM
User Icon
Sep 26 2014, 1:50 AM
Quote (Chay-O on Sep 26 2014, 12:34 AM)
Boy, you are going to hate the later bosses, granted, they are harder but more fun. As for the first boss, simply don't stand on the center of the platforms, go to the outside corner, wait for the boss to spin, then walk to safety. The trick is to walking on the edges of the falling platforms.

Ha ha. Yeah, I don't know why I noticed that before.
No Icon
Sep 26 2014, 3:35 AM
I waited nine hours to have the time to play this, and I must say the wait was worth it!

But you forced gamepad controls on me, and didn't make them all that great. I can't use my analog sticks, and A runs while B jumps. No user should ever have to unplug their gamepad just to play a game.

On top of that, the game is haaaard. The level design is always throwing new things at you (at least to the point I've played it), and when you start a level you're on half health (ten hearts), which is not enough. However, you did get the coin ratio perfect, so I pretty much always have a lot of lives. But a few polishing notes seem to be missing as well:
- The world select music doesn't change when you go to a different world. It's Sticker Star music, so you might as well add this in.
- Hammer Bros. throw hammers while I'm jumping on them. I know they're a historically annoying enemy, but come on!
- There is a lot of graphics clash. I only really care about the YI door, but I think going TTYD style for your sprites would've been a better choice.
- Some enemies are way too smart! They move towards you when you get close. If you're jumping up a ledge (or fighting a pokey in general) there's not much you can do.
- There is no spare item slot. This just adds to the difficulty, but I wouldn't mind it if I had more health.
- One key thing that's missing is the White Tenuki suit. This would be a great way to balance the difficulty!
- I have died so many times because of how slow the Mole suit digs underground. Speeding it up would be great!
- This might just be me, but the enemy's hit boxes seem a bit large as well.
- I also have no idea what the story is. :/

If these issues are fixed, it would be an excellent game!
No Icon
Sep 26 2014, 3:44 AM
Quote (Willsaber on Sep 26 2014, 3:35 AM)
but I think going TTYD style for your sprites would've been a better choice.

I've seen a few people say this, but I don't think people realize that theres also a number of custom enemy designs in here as well. While TTYD style would look nicer, making new enemies for it would have been much harder.
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Ryan Silberman
Sep 26 2014, 7:48 PM
Whoa! Didn't expect to see something like this! I'll totally download it. :D
No Icon
Sep 26 2014, 9:26 PM
Quote (DJ Coco on Sep 25 2014, 11:24 PM)
If you have a gamepad plugged in the game will default to the gamepad. Plug it out or use the gamepad instead ;)

I'm not using a gamepad. Do headphones count as one?
No Icon
Sep 26 2014, 9:55 PM
Yet, another great game from DJ Coco! :)
No Icon
Sep 27 2014, 7:27 AM
Oh snap, DJ COCO released a promising game. I am back and will definitely give this a good old honest review.
..But the idea is so attractive though. I came. Hopefully I won't be tearing it apart xD.
User Icon
Sep 28 2014, 1:08 AM
Quote (murphmario on Sep 26 2014, 9:26 PM)
I'm not using a gamepad. Do headphones count as one?

*skull-fracturing facepalm*
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Yingchun Soul
Sep 28 2014, 2:55 AM
Major Bug:I switch to Fuulscreen that it has issue
No Icon
Sep 28 2014, 8:54 AM
Quote (Somari64 on Sep 28 2014, 1:08 AM)
*skull-fracturing facepalm*

I think he's joking :3. Though I don't get it..
User Icon
Sep 28 2014, 6:07 PM
Quote (MayahemWorld on Sep 28 2014, 2:55 AM)
Major Bug:I switch to Fuulscreen that it has issue

No Icon
Sep 29 2014, 1:08 AM
For some reason, the game won't accept the start input from my gamepad after the "Press Start" trigger. It'll take that one, and I can move around the menu but then it won't accept the start button to start the game. (And I can't use my keyboard because the arrow keys on my laptop are busted, long story.)
No Icon
Sep 29 2014, 1:54 AM
Expect a review from me man it sure could use a lot of fixes.
No Icon
Sep 29 2014, 4:13 AM
Quote (gamermakerguy on Sep 29 2014, 1:54 AM)
Expect a review from me man it sure could use a lot of fixes.

You may want to hold off on that review. DJane released v1.2 of the game a couple hours ago and, having just gone through it from start to finish, I can confirm that a number of issues have been fixed.
No Icon
Sep 29 2014, 4:18 AM
I finished the game, and have now submitted a review. This game is awesome!
No Icon
Sep 29 2014, 11:48 AM
Hey DJ Coco! i see that your paper mario 3d land logo, course clear, and the game over logo it doesnt look right, maybe you want to use my updated version of that font, here:
User Icon
Sep 29 2014, 6:53 PM
Quote (Syr on Sep 28 2014, 8:54 AM)
I think he's joking :3. Though I don't get it..

Which is why I commented that. It's a stupid question and a bad joke.
No Icon
Sep 29 2014, 11:15 PM
Quote (Chay-O on Sep 29 2014, 5:13 AM)
You may want to hold off on that review. DJane released v1.2 of the game a couple hours ago and, having just gone through it from start to finish, I can confirm that a number of issues have been fixed.
Did he also fix the enemy being hurt for a few seconds so like a hammer bro doesn't throw a hammer at you when your jumping on them?
No Icon
Sep 30 2014, 1:14 AM
Quote (gamermakerguy on Sep 29 2014, 11:15 PM)
Did he also fix the enemy being hurt for a few seconds so like a hammer bro doesn't throw a hammer at you when your jumping on them?

Yes, he did.
No Icon
Sep 30 2014, 5:01 AM
Quote (Chay-O on Sep 29 2014, 5:13 AM)
You may want to hold off on that review. DJane released v1.2 of the game a couple hours ago and, having just gone through it from start to finish, I can confirm that a number of issues have been fixed.

EDIT: Never mind I found it.
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Ryan Silberman
Oct 3 2014, 1:48 AM
This game is much better than Paper Mario Sticker Star. I'm not even kidding!

I'll be sure to give this a review once I fully complete it.
User Icon
Oct 4 2014, 6:05 AM
Hocrud it's finally out.
No Icon
Oct 29 2014, 12:29 AM
I still can't press start. Something is wrong with this game.
No Icon
Dec 6 2014, 7:02 PM
Hello Dj coco,this s a great game *o* but in world 2-1 the game crash :\
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DJ Coco
Dec 6 2014, 7:17 PM
Quote (WinterDan on Dec 6 2014, 8:02 PM)
Hello Dj coco,this s a great game *o* but in world 2-1 the game crash :\
Try increasing frameskip
User Icon
Dec 13 2014, 4:05 PM
this is really hard, but its a really really awesome game and im enjoying it a lot
No Icon
Dec 23 2014, 12:33 PM
Thankyou *-*
No Icon
Jan 12 2015, 11:50 PM
I'm trying to open the game, but when I do, it just brings me to File Explorer. Any help please?
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DJ Coco
Jan 14 2015, 3:59 PM
Quote (ToadTastic123 on Jan 13 2015, 12:50 AM)
I'm trying to open the game, but when I do, it just brings me to File Explorer. Any help please?
Unzip the game
No Icon
Feb 1 2015, 9:31 PM
DJ Coco does what Nintendon't! WOW this game is awesome!
No Icon
Feb 3 2015, 3:07 PM
Does i need an emulator for the game?
No Icon
Apr 13 2015, 2:35 PM
Heheh.. Cooler than a Snow... Probably.. ONE OF THE BEST FAN MADE GAMES!!! ^_^
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