Review Information
Game Reviewed Hello Fangaming Collection, by Hello
Review Author Cruise Elroy
Created Aug 26 2015, 5:27 PM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Hello Fangaming Collection is just another game made by Hello that doesn't have an identity like all his others. That is all you need to know about why you should stay away, but in case you're desperate to give Hello a chance, read on.
Pros +10 years of fangaming is pretty great, not gonna lie
Cons -The slippery physics
-The SMB3-like graphics
-The unnecessary lighting effects
-The transcribed Mario voice clips
-The egotistical dialogue
-The poor replay value
-The exact same thing
-The X Y
2 / 10
I don't even know where to begin.

The entire purpose of this game is to show how far Hello has come from his roots as a fangamer. The only levels that you can play in this game are levels you already played through in Hello's previous games. Wow, we're really stretching our creative skills here, aren't we?

Maybe I should cut Hello some slack here, though. After all, it IS a 10 year anniversary of his fangaming adventure, and this kind of concept can be promising. We've got a lot of ground to cover, so let's dig in!

The gameplay is nearly identical to most of Hello's games. However, it all just boils down to run, jump, shoot. The only powerup I found was the Fire Flower and nothing else. There weren't any other features from his games that would've helped the game out in the long run, not even wall jumping. Yes, wall jumping was helplessly broken in Dynamo, but, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, it would've made things a little more fun.

When you beat a level, you'll once again grab a flagpole to finish it. I would complain about this right here, but he did use these everywhere in his past games, so I'll let this slide.

After you complete Cherry Grove, you'll most likely head into the first town. And, oh boy, the dialogue is just as painful as before! There are other Toads that give you mindless opinions or those that act like a preschool teacher telling you what a checkpoint is, but most, if not all Toads you find in towns say something along the lines of this:

"I love making games using the Hello Mario Engine. No programming needed! It can just be used like an editor to make Mario games effortlessly! Wheee!"

You hear this all the time. ALL THE TIME. I wouldn't mind if one Toad did it once to make a joke or if this were spoken in a way that wasn't so forced and egotistical, but this happens ALL. THE. TIME. The genie from Aladdin was better at breaking the fourth wall than these clowns. Oh, but it doesn't end there, folks.

"Out of Hello Fangaming's difficult games, the best one is definitely Super Mario Dynamo! That game has just the right amount of difficulty, and never gets hard enough to make me give up! Of course, that is to be expected, as this game's levels were thoroughly tested, and any unfair sections that may have existed were removed!"

Okay, Fierce Days had better difficulty handling than Dynamo, that's strike one, even the admins have stated that Dynamo is their least favorite fangame, that's strike two, and the level design feels like it's been thrown together as quickly as possible without ever looking back to fix its problems, and that's strike three. What the heck, I haven't even reviewed Dynamo yet and already it has three strikes against it? Who "tested" it anyway, the Kid from IWBTG?

The dialogue from the other Toads doesn't get any better than that. All the other Toads either spoon-feed you Hello's """"""""history"""""""" or pull praises of Hello's works out of their fungular anuses. But surely Mario has become a better communicator since Dyna-

"Okey dokey!"

...maybe not.

Okay, maybe the dialogue doesn't matter...actually, it does matter...a lot. But I've already clogged up the gameplay section with this and I still need to mention the discs. In each level, you can find a disc that reflects upon the level taken from a specific Hello game. You can find more info about the level and game in the first town. Not really interesting or motivating, but still a nice little nod to his older games.

When you're in the levels themselves, it feels like you're playing the game that the level is taken from. This is not only more evidence that shows all of Hello's games are indistinguishable siblings, but it's also this game's biggest flaw. The games are so mundane and simple that their mechanics can be copied without a reasonable amount of effort.
2 / 10
You should know the drill by heart at this point. SMB3 Mario with SMB3 items and SMB3 enemies combined with SMB3 backgrounds. Also added are lights that have no purpose in some levels and can be hard to look at in others. Sometimes they'll do both at the same time! We get it, you wanna add some flair to the same style you already pile drove into the ground, but it has to fit, and this just doesn't. It also has Shikaternia's tilesets. Whadayaknow, looks like these are becoming the new Black Squirrel. But, thanks to Hello's history with BS, I've been trained to almost instantly recognize a Black Squirrel tileset sorta like the Master Builders from The Lego Movie; the spin blocks are borrowed from the tileset. (Dang, it's been 10 years and he STILL can't stop using that tileset...)
4 / 10
I should give this a 3, but after the earbleeding from Dynamo I'm glad to listen to something different in the music department. That's not to say the sounds aren't copied and pasted from a lot of Hello's other games, though.
1 / 10
The info discs aren't really something that motivate me enough to keep hammering through these levels. Beyond that, you can honestly get a much more compelling experience by playing Hello's other games.
Final Words
2 / 10
Much like the worst games Hello has made, this "game" has the exact same flaws as its predecesors that refuse to grow, and somehow it's expected that you keep playing more of it. You'd get more fun out of the games themselves that inspired this.

No Icon
Aug 26 2015, 11:27 PM
Tell me you didn't seriously steal a joke from Doug Walker. Really? The three-strikes thing?

...Not that it wasn't true.
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Cruise Elroy
Aug 27 2015, 1:31 AM
Well, it IS a Mario game, and Doug DID make that joke from a Mario movie, but the funny thing is that I didn't even consider it when typing this review.

So did I steal it? Well...yes and no.
User Icon
Aug 28 2015, 12:52 AM
As well-written (and correct) as this review is, I guarantee Hello will just ignore it like he ignores all criticism. I'm not saying there was no point to writing this, I'm just saying it's a shame Hello can't pull his head out of his rear end and realize he needs to change.
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Cruise Elroy
Aug 28 2015, 3:01 AM
I hate to say it, too, but this will not make a difference. Who knows, maybe instead of reinventing the wheel I can comment on his later games saying "Look at my review for HFC to see why this is bad"
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Zero Kirby
Sep 3 2015, 12:43 AM
Quote (rchammer97 on Aug 26 2015, 3:27 PM)
Tell me you didn't seriously steal a joke from Doug Walker. Really? The three-strikes thing?

Because Doug Walker invented baseball jokes.
No Icon
Nov 6 2015, 12:56 PM
Quote (Somari64 on Aug 28 2015, 12:52 AM)
As well-written (and correct) as this review is, I guarantee Hello will just ignore it like he ignores all criticism. I'm not saying there was no point to writing this, I'm just saying it's a shame Hello can't pull his head out of his rear end and realize he needs to change.

I've never seen him even interact with anyone on this website, ever.
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Cruise Elroy
Nov 8 2015, 6:18 PM
Quote (ilikecereal449 on Nov 6 2015, 7:56 AM)
I've never seen him even interact with anyone on this website, ever.

The furthest extent that I've seen him interact with someone is when he either tries to fix someone's technical problems, or tries to think of a rebuttal when someone criticizes him.
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