Review Information
Game Reviewed Super Mario 2D Land Demo, by moonrat
Review Author Syr
Created Jun 19 2014, 6:32 PM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Usual Disclaimer: Every game I review is of my personal opinion. Please do not take anything personal.

That aside. You're in for it. Engine-based gaming vs. trying hard. If you gotta use someone else's engine: at least add a story-line and make use of it. You wasted Dee's engine...
Pros Hardly. If I wanted to play SMB3, then I'd simply turn on an SNES and Super Mario ALlstars and have at it.
Cons -Bad level design
- No story. Mario's adventuring for nothing.
- boring: there are better average mario games than this
- Description simply was like: yeah.. I'm testing thing. Who cares if you enjoy this game. Go tuck (yes.. T-U-C-K) yourself.
1 / 10
Average mario gameplay. No twist. No story to keep me interested. This wasn't even a generic: Mario has to save something whether it's the princess, jewels, or orbs, etc. A demo is meant to get people hyped to see what's coming. An engine test shouldn't be confused with a demo and should be forced into it's own category: Engine Test Games :/
5 / 10
Super Mario 3 graphics. I already know the deal on this site. Everyone hates them due to many users of their on free will chose to insert them. Nothing wrong with the graphics. Just official SMB3 graphics.

Your World Map was probably a bad idea. Maybe instead, make them sub-maps instead. If you're going to go into the direction of Mario 3, then you may as well follow through.
6 / 10
The first midi was terrible -from New Super Mario bros. The rest were ok.
1 / 10
Replay value wasn't intended for this demo. And I doubt there is even a purpose for those star coins.
Final Words
3 / 10
Meh. No story. Very boring. That aside, I know you just wanted to make some Mario levels and see if people could beat them. But... there's a difference between submitting a Game and submitting an uninspiring compilation of Mario levels with no apparent purpose other than to annoy you. Come up with a creative story, add somethings, subtract, rebuild and try again. The engine made by 'Zee is ok but this demo wasn't interesting at all.

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Sep 9 2014, 9:33 AM
Those attempted bypasses aren't funny, Syr. Besides that, the review was fine.
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