Review Information
Game Reviewed Super Mario - Turd Feast 3, by Hypernova
Review Author SuperMuppet
Created May 15 2014, 4:30 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Super Mario Turd Feast 3 is a funny, exciting game with an original plot, but after a while it kinda gets dry in the humor.
Pros -Actually good-looking custom graphics
-Great physics
-Funny story...well, for a while
-Puts Turd Feasts 1 and 2 to shame
Cons -Little-to-no replay value
-A bit too short to handle
7 / 10
The gameplay of this game is a huge improvement from Turd Feast 1 and Turd Feast 2. The previous Turd Feast games had terrible physics, poor spelling, and colorful comic sans. However, Turd Feast 3 is the complete opposite. There is now nice, playable physics, grammar is correct in most spots, and a new font is used in place of Comic Sans.

There are also elements recycled from other Supernova games such as the Nazi Speed Racer from Typical Mario Game, and a level based on the scrapped Burritos game.
7 / 10
The graphics don't look too good, but I think it adds to the game's charm. They are lovely customs that many people don't use.
8 / 10
The sound is pretty nice, not crappy jumbled MIDI music and over-the-top sound effects you'd usually hear in a joke game.
2 / 10
Like I said before, there's little-to-no replay value, as after you finish the game, you've gotten all the jokes and replaying the game i
Final Words
7 / 10
Not so turdy if you ask me, but could use fixing.

No Icon
Mar 9 2015, 10:13 PM
"and replaying the game i"

Crap I forgot to finish that. But I guess I got my point across.
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