SMB1-styled Bob-Ombs By: Squishy Rex [E]
I guess you might say this is influenced by Super Mario Maker, but here's my take on an SMB1 Bob-Omb. Please give credit if used and enjoy!
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Original Sprites that are made completely from scratch.

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[O] Created: Feb 27 2017, 9:42 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 3.12 KB
[O] Views: 5436
[O] Downloads: 2341
[O] Favorites: 2
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May 29 2017, 11:19 PM
Amazing. I just like how it has a good shade, yet it doesn't breaks the 4-color rule (1 color as transparency), and yet the Parachute looks realistic, and it doesn't break the color rule! I mean, this is great, and should be used for a NES game, probably. Keep up the good work! =)
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