Super DK! Rips By: SuperMuppet
In the 1980s, ports of Arcade games to home consoles were really common. Coleco had ported Donkey Kong as a launch title for the game, but some things were missing that made it not as good as the arcade experience. Coleco decided to improve their Donkey Kong port with the SuperGame module, and it was made to be as close to the arcade version as possible. The pie factory was even in there, which was usually removed from other ports. The prototype was named Super DK, but was never released and later worked into the Coleco Adam port of Donkey Kong.
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Ripped Sprites ripped directly from a game.

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[O] Created: Sep 1 2014, 4:30 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 5 KB
[O] Views: 7772
[O] Downloads: 3222
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Sep 8 2014, 5:40 PM
Nice rips. Why this is in SMB1 (8-bit) category?
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