Review Information
Game Reviewed Somari 2, by Ryan Silberman
Review Author MegaCDFan235
Created Nov 1 2015, 3:02 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Somari was a pirate on the NES, right? Somari 2, well, No one got a glimpse of it. Not even Nintendo.
Pros + Impressive Engine
+ Good Sound Effects
+ Neat Story
Cons - Engine needs room for improvement
- Music doesn't fit with what you would think the game is about.
- Messy Terrain
- Bad Hit Detection
- Wait, where's the trees?
6 / 10
Wow! Impressive gameplay! But needs a few improvements, doesn't it?
Anyways, there is a grassland, a desert, and a forest.
The grassland feels a little empty. The desert world makes you want to rush through the level, which gives you a disadvantage. The forest, well, I don't care about. Robotnik/Eggman/whoever you want to call him doesn't seem to make an appearance.
1 / 10
Do I really need to explain the graphics in, like, 100 words? Well, the graphics were made in MS Paint.
While you CAN make graphics in MS Paint, you may NOT use the first colors you see in Windows 7 MS Paint.
The colors of said palette are just bad. Really bad.
5 / 10
The sound effects are good, the music doesn't seem to fit with the level/zone it's playing on, and that's about it.
1 / 10
A save file actually puts you just before a level, so saving is pretty much useless. Seriously though, you can't replay it.
Final Words
5 / 10
Somari 2, but in a way where we never expected it to be. Also, Hummer Team would put Somari 2 on the SNES, not the PC.

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Dec 24 2015, 3:47 AM
And why would Hummer Team put Somari 2 on the SNES? Because they would know that the project is too powerful for the NES.
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