Review Information
Game Reviewed Super Mario Flashback - NCFC 2015 Demo, by Mors
Review Author Megapyrogenic
Created Sep 7 2015, 10:36 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
This game is pretty good. For the little bit it has at the time, I really enjoyed the experience. The physics are great, I'm sure you know how hard that can be to find in fan games sometimes, it looks great, and the animations are wonderful. I'd really like to see where this game will go. It actually looks and plays like a real Mario game. If this keeps up with updates, I'm sure the final version will be amazing.
Pros Great Graphics, solid gameplay, Excellent Music, Feels official.
Cons Extremely short, although it is a demo.
9 / 10
Fantastic gameplay that feels like a real Mario game
8 / 10
Looks like a Gameboy Advance game, and a good one. Animations are superb as well.
9 / 10
The sound quality is clear and audible. The music is great, and I would like to hear more tracks in future versions of the game. he sound effects are also well designed, both the music and the effects sound official, just like the rest of the game.
5 / 10
There's not a ton of replay value here, considering the game is so short, but after all, it is a demo, so you wouldn't expect it to be too long. I expect it to be much higher when the game is in a more finished state, however. Still, you could always play it just to look at the graphics and hear the music for a bit when you're anticipating what's hopefully likely to come.
Final Words
9 / 10
This is a great game that seems to promise to be much, much more than it is. When the game is finished, it will be amazing. I hope a lot more content will be added. The overall quality of the game makes it feel like a real Mario game produced by Nintendo themselves. This is definitely worth a download.

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Sep 12 2015, 6:14 PM
Thank you!
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