Test Submission
By: VinnyVideo [E] [W]
For testing new site functionality!
Completion: Full Game Genre: Other
Franchise: OTHER

Update History
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[O] Created: Mar 1 2024, 1:00 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 3.79MB
[O] Views: 12310
[O] Downloads: 218
[O] Plays: 0
[O] Favorites: 0
Play in Browser

Author Summary Score
littlelum If you want an idle game, just play cookie clicker instead. 2 / 10
Average Score 2 / 10

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Mar 3 2024, 11:09 AM
Oh hmmm... Browser-playable games like GameJolt? I'm all in for it!
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Mar 4 2024, 6:33 PM
Quote (Astrakitu on Mar 3 2024, 6:09 AM)
Oh hmmm... Browser-playable games like GameJolt? I'm all in for it!

Bwa-ha more like BOWSER-playable games am I right? HAHAhahahAHAHAhaha... ahh man... yeah, I amaze myself truly.
1 like from: Q-Nova
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Mar 6 2024, 1:44 AM
@Astrakitu That's right, my friend! That is exactly the thing this test submission is testing.

@Vitiman Very punny, very punny!
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Mar 13 2024, 8:17 PM
@VinnyVideo Not sure if it's the game or the browser player, but if you switch focus to another browser, and then back to the game, the audio stops and gets stuck in a black screen. However, this only happens when the music is playing. When there's no music playing, this doesn't happen. (Oh yeah, sometimes the music doesn't play). I tested this on two separate web browsers.
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Mar 13 2024, 8:18 PM
Edit: Accidental double post
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Mar 20 2024, 7:03 AM
The ENTER key and mouse clicks sometimes fail to register. There are times where I had to click on a button two or three times before it finally decides to get itself together. I ran the game in browser, Brave to be specific. I've played a few other games in browser and they didn't have that issue, so I don't know what's going on here.
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Mar 26 2024, 1:09 AM
@littlelum Thanks for reporting this issue - and feel free to let me know if there's a good solution, whether in the GM game's settings or with some configuration option on the MFGG server. I've had a few hiccups with the music as well.

@Q-Nova When playing GM browser games, I've had the best results with Chrome. Though even Chrome has occasionally been finicky with inputs.
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