Review Information
Game Reviewed Luigi's Mansion 2D Demo V1.1 (Updated), by Zdude684, Ken Martin, SonicProject, MarioSonicCouncil, TravixMan
Review Author TravixMan
Created Mar 5 2012, 2:55 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
When I played this game, I thought to myself that this was going to be a good game. Turns out, it is, with only a few minor problems.

Basically, I get that it's a side-scroller, and I love it that you can jump, but when you're fighting the ghosts, they'll get you down to 15 HP in minutes.
Pros There's a button where it toggles the flashlight.
Cons The flashlight won't stay on when after you put the vacuum away.
8 / 10
It's great, the underwater is great, but when you fall in a pit, it takes 5 HP away. Why not go down, and then restart the room? Plus, when you're fighting the ghosts, they're in the wall! They hardly stay when you flash the light, and goes away instantly!
10 / 10
The graphics, I am speechless. The graphics look almost exactly like Luigi's Mansion, with the characters being sprites.
8 / 10
Music, basically from Luigi's Mansion. I like listening to it, but throw in something else in once in a while.
6 / 10
I like playing this game, but when you play the same simple rooms over, it gets boring.
Final Words
8 / 10
This game deserves a 8/10, for excellent Graphics, yet same sounds and kinda bad gameplay. I'm glad the next version cleared it up. :D

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Jun 22 2012, 3:11 AM reviewed your own game?
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Nov 23 2012, 3:48 PM
Quote (Wiiboy4ever on Jun 22 2012, 3:11 AM) reviewed your own game?

I didn't make anything in the demo. In total progress to what I've made in the game, I made some enemy concepts, along with some Portrait Ghost designs and strategies. Also some music. However, I don't think that's in the demo, or correct me if I'm wrong.
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